Table des matières

GCode de test



% (Header) (Generated by gcodetools from Inkscape.) (Using default header. To add your own header create file “header” in the output dir.) M3 (Header end.) G21 (All units in mm)

(Start cutting path id: path4136) (Change tool to Default tool)

G00 Z5.000000 G00 X52.412700 Y25.399992

G01 Z-0.125000 F100.0(Penetrate) G02 X50.540624 Y15.988404 Z-0.125000 I-24.593652 J-0.000014 F400.000000 G02 X45.209391 Y8.009645 Z-0.125000 I-22.721575 J9.411573 G02 X37.230634 Y2.678407 Z-0.125000 I-17.390343 J17.390333 G02 X27.819048 Y0.806326 Z-0.125000 I-9.411586 J22.721570 G02 X18.407462 Y2.678407 Z-0.125000 I-0.000000 J24.593652 G02 X10.428705 Y8.009645 Z-0.125000 I9.411586 J22.721570 G02 X5.097472 Y15.988404 Z-0.125000 I17.390343 J17.390333 G02 X3.225396 Y25.399992 Z-0.125000 I22.721576 J9.411573 G02 X5.097476 Y34.811575 Z-0.125000 I24.593652 J0.000000 G02 X10.428710 Y42.790330 Z-0.125000 I22.721571 J-9.411583 G02 X18.407465 Y48.121563 Z-0.125000 I17.390338 J-17.390338 G02 X27.819048 Y49.993643 Z-0.125000 I9.411583 J-22.721571 G02 X37.230631 Y48.121563 Z-0.125000 I0.000000 J-24.593652 G02 X45.209386 Y42.790330 Z-0.125000 I-9.411583 J-22.721572 G02 X50.540620 Y34.811575 Z-0.125000 I-17.390338 J-17.390338 G02 X52.412700 Y25.399992 Z-0.125000 I-22.721571 J-9.411583 G01 X52.412700 Y25.399992 Z-0.125000 G00 Z5.000000

(End cutting path id: path4136)

(Footer) M5 G00 X0.0000 Y0.0000 M2 (Using default footer. To add your own footer create file “footer” in the output dir.) (end) %


% (Header) (Generated by gcodetools from Inkscape.) (Using default header. To add your own header create file “header” in the output dir.) M3 (Header end.) G21 (All units in mm)

(Start cutting path id: rect4136) (Change tool to Default tool)

G00 Z5.000000 G00 X4.838097 Y87.892062

G01 Z-0.125000 F100.0(Penetrate) G01 X79.022223 Y87.892062 Z-0.125000 F400.000000 G01 X79.022223 Y8.063485 Z-0.125000 G01 X4.838097 Y8.063485 Z-0.125000 G01 X4.838097 Y87.892062 Z-0.125000 G00 Z5.000000

(End cutting path id: rect4136)

(Footer) M5 G00 X0.0000 Y0.0000 M2 (Using default footer. To add your own footer create file “footer” in the output dir.) (end) %
